November in Review
Happy November to all, These past 4 weeks also seemed to fly by for a multitude of reasons. We covered 2 separate modules in a span of 30 days and seemed to hit the ground running with a Renal/Pulm exam to start the month. Our most recent, and my personal favorite module to date, was undoubtedly the GI/Neoplasia module given its clinical relevance in modern medicine. The study habits that I have developed over the first semester have prepared me well for next semester and future medical school curriculums. Unexpected delays certainly characterized this month and semester in general whether it be related to the COVID pandemic or one of the six tropical storms that targeted the state of Louisiana. I was impressed with our cohesiveness as a class and the teachers/administrators' ability to adapt and finish the semester without significant impediments. We have made great strides in our service project "Kids Serving Kids" for the New Orleans Chapter. Given my remote ...